Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Pot Daddies

I am I two different websites. And I am getting a lot of responses. Quantity=/= quality.

Many daddies don't want to pay even though these are sugar sites. Many try to nickel and dime you; so unattractive. Many never follow through. Many want pay per visit AKA an escort. Many don't read your profile and just waste your time. They think they can change your allowance asking price.

But, there are gems.

So far I am really liking two. Two are real potentials and I feel comfortable and well as attraction on some level to both.

I go for brains. Brains always wins me over. And they are the safest choices. As well as some of the most fun.

Let's name them!

SD Law
SD China

They're both kinky, which is fun, SD Law more so than SD China. But I haven't talked to SD China about it too much yet.

SD China:
I met him first. He writes to me often. He doesn't rush me. He's polite. He speaks a language I speak. We both love real Chinese food. We are both foodies. He is nearby. I feel like a geisha whenever I talk to him because he's just so culturally different. I think my year abroad and more Asian personality (I'm not Asian) really appeals to him. He compliments me. He takes charge and let me know things in advance. I enjoy him. I know he wants long term.

SD Law:
Very good at sex, it seems like. Far away. Opinionated. Joined a $50 website just to see a picture of me and to impress me, I think. He's fiery. He's very high class. Very fit. Maybe more than me. Intellectual, in a very western way. He's a quick learner. I think I will be his first SB. He makes me wonder. Surprises me. I enjoy him. But wonder if it will be a long term thing, like I hope, or a shortly lived passion filled sugar bomb.

I think I will see them both. I make it a rule to only see one. Two tops. Since SD Law is so far away I think it's smart to see both. And I enjoy them both in different ways.

SD China is like a loyal deep friend. SD Law is like a dice. XD

I haven't met either yet. But I will meet with SD China this Thursday (to an authentic chinese restaurant!). And SD Law already gave me his full name and where he works and told me to google him. That really made me feel safe. And like he is serious. He does things like that.

Today I went shopping for something to wear to my up coming sugar dates. I was really in need. I moved here from the east coast with two suitcases. And I've never invested much money in clothing although I do have great taste. And enjoy fashion as a hobby. But one thing in the sugar world, you can't wrap a gift worth 5k a month in shitty newspaper, you need to wrap in in gold. It's all about the presentation. And that's with what pictures you show, what name you choose, what you talk about, how to you talk, and of course, how you look.

These men can't take you to five star restaurants if you look like you're dressed to a) be his whore, b) too poor to afford clothing. Daddies are vain and have high egos, to some point. They want you to turn eyes in the right way and blend in the right way.  

So you have to invest to start up in yourself.

I found two great dresses. One matches SD China and the other matches SD Law. Funny how it works. I wasnt intending it that way. Anyway, I can play mix and match.

Anyway, as I was talking to SD China I told him I would buy a dress for the date. So I hope he shows up with some kind of token without me asking. That is the true test. It's an unsaid rule for the first meeting not to have sex as well as for the daddy to hand you $100-500 or a gift of some kind.

SD China is actually picking me up (from near my house, but not at my house, at least not a first) so that in itself is really nice.

I hope for a gift or at least $100. That way I break even. The dresses were on sale. Express.

But even if not, I get great food and to go out and talk with someone interesting. And the chance to make 5,000 every month. So that's great.

Instead of feeling nervous, I actually feel excited to get this started. And hopeful. I cant wait until it becomes a little more routine though. I am a little nervous. It's like a blind date. Except your school depends on it. And it's based on how you look and etc. 

Wish me luck.

Monday, April 9, 2012

The Why

Why am I a sugar baby?

Because I'm greedy and self obsessed? Spoiled and lacking thought? Because I'm already rich and want more? Because I don't want to work?

No, no, no, no, no, no, and no.

None of those things.

I do it, like so many, out of need. But, that's not to say I'm forced or can't enjoy it.

I come from an abusive family that left me with nothing. I need to pay for my education. No bank will loan to a 20 year old without a co-signer. And I'm frankly not stupid enough to take a loan from a bank anyway.

I have some health problems resulting from cancer. I was treated in high school. I'm fine now. Just aftereffects and such. I also have no health insurance. So it's important for me to secure a nice future. One I wont have to worry about.

My dreams are to go to college, study a couple in demand languages I already pretty much know from my own studies, and major in International Business. Then get my MBA from somewhere notable enough to give me job opportunities. Languages are my passion. I would love to use them everyday. -Then, after finding the perfect husband, I honestly just want to be a wife and a mother. Being a housewife and raising a family is my biggest dream. Sucks that it has to be so hard to get it.

School, rent, food, bills, would never be covered by a minimum age job. Or, two like I had before with one making two dollars above minimum age. If I went on that way, I would NEVER crawl out of the hole.

And so I need a pretty quick way to make a lot of money.

And I do have morals so that crosses out a lot of things, let me tell you. XD

I just want what everyone else wants. A chance to live a normal happy life.

This is my way of playing catch-up from my parents neglect simply.

But whatever brought me to this shouldn't matter. I am here. I don't know if I would still be here if my life was different. But I am happy to be here. Because it's an interesting world. Exciting. Risky. And fun.

And ends to a means doesn't have to be just that.

And the only person I need to answer to is myself.

My oaths to myself as a sugarbaby:

  1. I will never do anything I don't enjoy because that would be lying to myself or to someone else, and I'm not comfortable with that. Sugar is stressful enough without hating what you're doing or who you're with. So I promise to only enjoy myself. 
  2. I promise to never make up a fake personality. To do so would be to insult myself. 
  3. I promise to go with my gut at all times. 
  4. I promise not to sell my soul to money. And not to lose sight of my end goal. Education is my reason for this. As well as independence.  
  5. I promise to give this my all as to not regret it later. 

This is probably not an enjoyably post. I'm aware. But, I'm sure I would have gotten the question.

None of these things define me.

They are not who I am.

The start, but not the start of the start!

There are so many sugar blogs. So many and so why should I bother to add mine to the collection on the web? What value could I add?

Well, I need a new topic to blog about since I can't blog about being abroad anymore. And I do love blogging. It helps me connect to the masses and individuals out there. I make great friends.

Also, I think this will be healthy for me, and any sugar babies, or prospective sugar babies. Maybe a daddy or two will even take a glace and understand us better.

Since I think about the sugar factor in my life a lot right now and lack anyone to truly share it with, I will write here. Honestly. In detail. And securely.

Welcome to my blog. Please interact with me. Anonymously is fine. I really do enjoy comments. And questions. And ideas.